HW101 station FS

Scott Bauer ke3nv at EROLS.COM
Sat Oct 25 14:50:50 EDT 1997


 I am selling 2 HW101's, Hp23C power supply, SB604 speaker and
a HDP121a Mic. This is a package deal. One of the HW101's is
in good working order. I have used it on CW, but not SSB. The
other 101 works, but drifts badly and is a parts rig.
The good 101 is pretty clean, only minor scratches. The power
supply has some chips on the paint, but works fine. The speaker
is very clean. The Mic has a crack on the head. I honestly
do not know if the 101 works on phone. I assume it does.
 I am asking 100.oo for the lot and would prefer to sell to
someone in the Baltimore area.
 Please email for better description if interested.

 Scott W3CV  ke3nv at erols.com

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