
Ray Allen, W2KBR/3 raallen at EROLS.COM
Tue Oct 28 02:33:25 EST 1997

Fellow  Keepers of the Green Gear:
  I have been working to get a SB110A back on line. While I have made
some success, the nagging oscillations continue to plague the rig.
Generally speaking the rig works (receives, haven't even looked at
xmit side yet)and during the sporadic band openings responds OK, except
for the oscillation that creeps back.   At this point, as soon  as she
warms up, she goes into Oscillation, backing off on the RF mutes the
receiver for a bit and the noise and oscillations return...anyway..
I note the  Audio Amp 6EB8 is running incredibly hot..voltages are ok,
a bit low but acceptable...anybody running  a "hot" 6EB8 in their
110A?.  And any ex-Heath guys out there with some words of wisdom on
this puppy? Finally, awhile back Joe  (I think) was providing
Service Bulletin info..anbody recall if the SB110A was included....
Many thanks 73
Ray Allen, W2KBR/3
8303 Grainfield Road
Severn, MD.,21144-2331
FM-19, TenX 68656, CBC 379

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