FS: SB104A, SB604, SB644

Jim Mullen jmullen at MAP.COM
Sun Sep 28 21:36:28 EDT 1997


I am listing this for a friend, who is disposing  equipment from a silent
I have seen the equipment, it is in good physical condition, all knobs,
cables, etc. According to Philip, he was unable to get the transceiver to
work, but is not completely sure it is cabled correctly.

Please address ALL inquiries to Philip, I don't have the equipment at my
location, and don't want any further involvement other than this posting.
It's not that I don't care, I just won't be able to answer your questions.

Heathkit SB104A Transceiver, w/two manuals.
Heathkit SB604 Speaker/power supply, no manual.
Heathkit SB644 Remote VFO, no manual.

AS IS, $150 for all three pieces, plus shipping .

Please contact:

Philip MacDonald, WA1CTQ
919 Southampton Road
Apartment H2
Westfield, MA  01085

Thanks and 73...

Jim Mullen - WA1ZUH
144 Tower HIll Road
Brimfield, MA  01010

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