SB-104 spinner knobs...

Occidentale, Frank occidenf at BSCI.COM
Fri Apr 10 09:59:39 EDT 1998

Green People

We can take this one step further. I can design the part with high end
Pro/Engineer CAD/CAM and make a rapid tooling injection mold for this or
any part that is needed. Just get me a sample and we'll go to town!

Demand is what would make this feasible.

Frank Occidentale

>From:  Guy G. Giacopuzzi DDS[SMTP:ggg3dds at JS-NET.COM]
>Sent:  Friday, April 10, 1998 9:44 AM
>Subject:       Re: SB-104 spinner knobs...
>When the 104 came out, I immediately purchased two 104' spinner knobs
>for my 303/401' combo; they look perfect, and make the six feet of
>bandspread seem a lot easier to negotiate.  I would think that someone,
>somewhere, knows where the original injection mold is for this knob (and
>the others).  Once found, I could make a run of them and sell them till
>the cows come home.  Any old Heath employees out there that remember who
>Heath contracted with on these knobs?  Injection molds usually end up
>sitting on a shelf somewhere--they're rarely thrown out...
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