Universal Audio Output Transformer

Mitch Dickson mitch at VOLSTATE.NET
Thu Dec 31 17:32:04 EST 1998

Keith,  I got an old s-57Z Triad.  New in the box, even still wrapped and
got the spec sheet with it.  It is a single or push-pull plates to voice
coil.  Pri.  50 ma   Each side 15 watts.   The price of 29.95 is still on
the side of the box.  What you got to trade?

This company sent it to me a few years ago to repair an old tempo one that
had an open transformer.  I had long since torn open a 6 volt wall wart and
made one and got the radio repaired.  I was gonna send it back but
procrastination won out.   CU  Mitch
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Rowland <k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM>
Date: Thursday, December 31, 1998 11:56 AM
Subject: Universal Audio Output Transformer

>Happy New Year, Gang:
>Does anyone have or know where I can obtain a universal audio output
>transformer (Stancor A-3496 or equivalent)? Must have center-tapped
>primary for push-pull operation.  Secondary not important since it won't
>be used.in the somewhat unconventional circuit I need this item for.
>Many thanks for any help.
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