Heathkit book

Rankin A. Curtis, Jr. acurtis at NETDOT.COM
Thu Feb 12 19:37:55 EST 1998

To those builders and lovers of the green who haven't had a chance to
see it yet, Terry Perdue's book, "Heath Nostalgia", should not be
missed. It is a fantastic trip down memory lane with Heathkits, and some
really great stories from former employees are included.

I've had the pleasure of building well over 100 heathkits over the
years, but I have never seen the factory. This book has many pictures
that now gives me that chance.

The book is fantastic, the price is very reasonable. Give Terry a call,
you won't regret it.

Army - AE5P
Nacogdoches, the oldest town in Texas

note:  I have no connnection with Terry Perdue, or his book, other than
being a very satisfied customer.

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