HW-16: RF Gain pot bad twice

Sheldon Darack shel at LUCENT.COM
Fri Feb 27 11:49:59 EST 1998

>Between the VFO coil slug and the trimmer on the side of the tuning variable
>cap, you should be able to align the frequency at the top and bottom of the
>band pretty well.
>Good luck on your code practice.
>"One of the Hams from Heath"
Are you sure it is necessary to adjust the trimmer? My HW16 dial slips when
I turn too far at either eextreme.  Then the dial is off by tens of KHz.  I
just go to the other extreme to get it back ( a  couple iterations).  Do
you know how to prevent this slippage???
Shel  WA2UBK  shel at lucent.com

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