RG-62 interconnect cables for SB301/303 and 401

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr at RADIO.ORG
Sun Jan 11 22:37:39 EST 1998

On 1/10/98 1:22 PM, Chuck K3FT at k3ft at EROLS.COM wrote:

>Heath specified a specific length for the RG-62A/U 90 ohm coax cables
>which are
>intereconnects between the SB301/303 and SB401 as being critical
>dimensions to adhere
>to.  I've a need where I want to lengthen them and am curious as to WHY
>the exact
>lengths are so critical.

The impedance of the cable is apparently to match the output of the
oscillators in the receiver without loading them. The lengths are
specified as a minimum (if you have a 301/401 side by side, you really
can't get them much shorter than 2 feet) in order to reduce any possible
attenuation of the oscillator signals by the time they reach the 401.

I never could find the RG-62 cable for my 301/401, but my 401 had the
crystal pack, so it didn't matter. Just a little bit of extra work to
spot the 401 on the 301. (I wouldn't use it in contesting now, but this
was back in 1976-1980)

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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