Seneca torubles

Richard Post post at OUVAXA.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Thu Jan 22 17:50:02 EST 1998

>Everybody and Aaron:  I would agree that the relay needs to be
>replaced.  That was my first thought when I saw your message earlier
>today, but I was doing some research to see if I could come up with some
>other explanation.  The only other thing I can think of is low voltage
>to the relay coil.  You might check that first, because I know what a
>pain it is to find the right relay...not to mention replacing it.
>73, Keith
>Aaron Hayden wrote:
>> Chuck,

I do not have the Seneca schematic so the following may be impractical. It
also assumes that the relay coil has AC energizing it.  Before throwing in
the towel (getting a new relay), I would experiment by using DC.

Put  DC on the coil by inserting a kilovolt PIV diode in series with one of
the leads.  Maybe another in reverse bias across the coil itself to
eliminate coil transients. Maybe a cap to smooth out the DC if needed.  Add
a resistor if the coil gets too warm.

Do any of you see any problems with this scheme? If not, it's worth a try.


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