HW-101 Help

Sat Jan 24 07:36:21 EST 1998

Hello Heathites,

About a year ago, I picked up a very nice looking HW-101 at a hamfest on the
west coast.  Recently a friend wanted to return to the airways using a
boatanchor radio.  Since my operating space is limited here, I decided to
let him have the 101 to use until he could find his own equip.  So I bench
the 101, which I just know will be a simple job, related to it's subpurb
cosmetic condition.  Wrong!!!!!!!!!!  Eight bench hours later and bad solder
joints and no solder joints and shields pinching coax cables, and sheilds
shorting out pc board foils intermittently, etc, etc.  I start the final
alignment. Now mind you this radio actually worked pretty well until I
started to work on it to nail down all the intermittent operation.  The
grand finalle!  I found out the main trouble is that the previous owner has
broken just about all of the slugs in the driver plate and grid circuits.
Now imigine my emotions when all of these slug pieces plus chunks of rubber
bands, glue, and other EPA outlawed things started to appear at the botton
of the radio.  Now anyone who has worked on a 101 knows that these
adjustments are very interlocking.  Well this one interlocks with no power
out now except on 15 and 20 meters.  I'm damn lucky to have that.  Well at
least I have identified what the real issue is.  The moral of the story is
that I would really appreciate anyone who has a 101 that is a parts unit
that can just part out the Driver Plate Switch Board, and the Driver Grid
Switch Board.
Due to the extensive damage to these coils, it just makes sense to replace
both the boards and get on with life.  I trade stuff plus greenbacks.  73  Dave

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