Anyone ever build any other kits ???

Adam McLaughlin kd6poc at JPS.NET
Tue Mar 3 19:31:08 EST 1998

Curtis wrote in a previous post:....

>It seems that every time I do something to the heath, something else
>breaks. I had to tear the rel pwr switch apart last night, as it opened
>up, and there was no audio again. Still don't have the pot, and now I need
>to find an allen that'll fit the tuning coils without throwing them off
>to align the rig. I know, complain, complain, but I'd really like to be
>working DX, instead of working on the radio. Is this common, for these
>rigs to break like this ? If so, maybe I would be better off trying a
>newer kit. At least, for now. Anyways, if you have built a more recent
>kit, I'd certainly like to hear from you. 73, and good dx, de kd4zkw.

This is the unique charcateristic which makes HeathKits, Heathkits!



Adam McLaughlin KD6POC
ICQ #6147499
AIM "Screen Name" is: kd6poc
"We are the dreamers, and we are the music makers"

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