HW 10

W. Kranitz kranitzw at EXECPC.COM
Tue Oct 27 23:44:27 EST 1998


I have a Heathkit HW-10 Shawnee 6-meter transceiver. Is there a
difference between a HW 10 and a HW-10????

I got the receiver portion working just fine, but am having trouble
with the transmitter. Can't get any of the oscillators (Xtal or VFO)
to work. The B+ supply to them should be +150 and it's only +60 and
all parts check ok.

Let me know if I can help.


Conrad Hoffman wrote:
> Hi All
> Is anyone out there running a Marauder and who has worked on them?
> Would like to exchange some ideas on a drive problem.
> Conrad   W8MHH   crhoff at bellsouth.net
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