Heath Manuals [NOT copyright issues !]

Barry A. Watzman Watzman at IBM.NET
Fri Apr 23 22:24:51 EDT 1999


I can't be sure in any specific case what happened.  Most likely your friend received a copy machine photocopy of an original manual.  What I described was circa late 70's and perhaps early 80's.  The equipment and procedures used varied over time, and for some of the later manuals, it is possible that complete typeset manuals exist in an almost "modern" format as floppy disk files.  For manuals done as pasteups, the pasteups were destroyed after everyone was "fairly" sure that the last printing had been done [certainly after the kit in question had been discontinued, probably for a year or so, depending on the number sold and the demand for manuals].

Barry Watzman

From:  Stanley Roberts [SMTP:pebo at greene.xtn.net]
Sent:  Friday, April 23, 1999 10:02 PM
To:  Barry A. Watzman
Subject:  Re:      Heath Manuals [NOT copyright issues !]

Just a quick question regarding your message. A friend of mine just recently
bought a manual from heath for an sb-102. Did they "redo" these great stacks
you are talking about so that theycould mass produce them with less expense?
I am just curious, couldn't imagine them just laying around Thanks

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