DX-100 knob mystery - summary of responses...

Nick England nick at CS.UNC.EDU
Tue Aug 31 18:25:29 EDT 1999

Not a huge mystery -

The original DX-100 had two little red knobs.

The loading circuitry was changed in later DX-100 production
runs to eliminate the FINE LOAD knob. Actually it eliminated the
course load switch and associated fixed caps, replacing them with a
single LOAD variable cap controlled by a single gray knob in
the LOAD position.
This mod was also available as Modification Kit MK-3.

I don't think changing the DRIVE control was part of this mod
or later production runs of the DX-100.

The DX-100B had NO red knobs.

There was no DX-100A.

who has a DX-100, a DX-100B, a couple of unbuilt DX-100 kits,
and an unbuilt MK-3 mod kit as evidence.

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