6146 et al.

Edward B Richards k6uuz at JUNO.COM
Tue Jan 5 23:23:05 EST 1999

I also believe a 8298 is the same as a 6146B. Ed Richards

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 19:23:26 -0500 Edward Swynar VE3 CUI
<gswynar at DURHAM.NET> writes:
>Do not apologize for your inquisitiveness---remember, the only "dumb"
>questions are the ones that never get asked!
>As regards the 6146's, as far as I know, the aplha suffix denotes
>plate dissipation, in growing increments by letter, with the "W"
>being "king of the hill" in this regard---king of the hill in price
>too, at
>least here in Canada, where brand new 6146W's cost TWICE as much as a
>I may not be 100% correct in this, but I'm sure someone on the
>WILL  correct me if I've led you astray! Hi Hi...
>73, de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
>> From: Daniel Camp <n0kfy at HOTMAIL.COM>
>> Subject: 6146 et al.
>> Date: January 5, 1999 5:32 PM
>> Heathens--
>>    I am a relative newcomer to the world of hollow-state, and have a
>> question...
>>    My HW-100 uses a pair of 6146 tubes as finals, as do many of the
>> Heath rigs of that timeframe.  I am thinking it could be a wise idea
>> have a spare pair about the shack, but I don'k know what "flavor" of
>> 6146 I should be looking at...6146, 6146A, 6146B, 6146W or some
>> variety yet undiscovered???
>>    In other words, I'm confoozed...what great wisdom can the list
>> to this befuddled brain as to the differences between these tubes
>> their application to my situation?
>> Tnx es 73--Dan, N0KFY/7
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