Heathkit 3 Pin AC Cable

Mark A Moss reflect.kc8dei at JUNO.COM
Sat Jan 16 19:22:29 EST 1999

On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 16:28:16 -0600 Gary Harmon <gharmon at IDWORLD.NET>
>There is also a tag on the cable that says "Cord" xxx "Set" where xxx
>is a
>trademark that is a large C with smaller SA inside the C.

CSA is not a trademark (at least not in the typical sense).  CSA is a
standards organization, similar to the UL mark, and about as useful in
identifying the device.  All it means is that the cable conforms to a
particular standard.

Mark Moss, KC8DEI
Kalamazoo, MI
Grid EN72eh

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