HW-101 Parts

Fred e holnagel w7prv at JUNO.COM
Thu Mar 4 23:48:40 EST 1999

 HW-101.  Very clean low time parts.
For Sale.
Excellant front panel  Nary a scratch. $23
Excellant front bezel (Nameplate) Ditto $10
Complete knob set. No scratches $ 23
VFO  $25
Geared dial ass'y and calib. dial  $18
Panel meter Clear plastic. $18
Final enclosure, complete $10
Final Tank ass'y without tubes. Coils , var. caps, suppressors.  $15
Het Osc.,  Driver grid,  Driver plate Boards. $11 ea.
SSB Filter 404-283-1  $18
CW Filter   404-284-1 $28
Complete cabinet with zero dents or scratches.  Paint uniform and bright.
Xtal Board and 3 board mtd. Xtals. Qty. 11-- Set  $25
2 pin Mic. Jack, Chassis mt. $5
100 khz. Calib. xtal $10
Output Xfmr. $8
Full set of tubes. Check good.  No finals. 18 tubes $30
All switches, main chassis boards and sheet metal parts. Very Clean .
What do you need?

All above plus $3.20 most parts shipping up to two pounds. Cabinet $10

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