S-38 vs. HW-16

Bradley S. Stone nb9m at RELIABLE-NET.NET
Tue May 4 17:53:09 EDT 1999

Aw, come now!  I never thought I'd live to see the day that someone would
say that a regen would "run circles around" a true superhet.  As if that
claim were by itself amazing, the S-38 was quite sensitive.  It wasn't very
stable, and had problems with selectivity and images (especially at higher
frequencies.)   Will the claim now be made that the regenerative was also
stable and selective?
    Brad, NB9M
    webmaster at hallicrafters.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Blaize <ebjr at WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: S-38 vs. HW-16

>    The old S-38 or most of the simple superhets are quite deaf.
>    My one tube Frank Jones 1936 regen. receiver (single '19
>tube) will run
>rings around the S-38 and have some excess!  Too bad no one built
>scaled down shrunken version of the RCA "RAL-7" receiver!  Two
>stages, regen. detector and two AF stages.  Excellent set, even
>by today's
>standards......if you don't mind keeping a "logging scale
>settings" book!
>Sandy W5TVW
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