my 2 cents

Wed May 5 17:11:47 EDT 1999

I see where all of you have compaired the hw-16 to drake etc. Well years
back mid 70's and back if someone in qso said I'm using a hw-16 or a
dx-60 or collins etc. you could picture it in your mind . today if
someone tells you they are using a ts,ic,ft they all look a like . a
black box from the back of k-mart.  just like cars today . all look the
same .

 for those of you who may not know there is a place where many of the
old rigs are still used . classic radio land . just take a listen on 80
meters around 3.885 + - afew kc. and here are some other freq . 14.285
, 7.290  to 7.300 .  and when 10 is open look out .
  29.00 to 29.200  wall to wall am .

     73, MARTY WB2FOU

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