GC-1720 Digital Wall Clock

Bob Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Mon Aug 21 23:37:01 EDT 2000

Oh, boy, did the dams open up on this item.  Got over 10 replies and
sold it within 10 minutes of my first posting.  I'll give each of you
that sent me an offer a personal reply but, for now, hope this will
suffice.  I'm stunned .. I had no idea there would be that much
interest.  My wife is going around grumbling ... " I told you that you
didn't ask enough!"  Oh, well, being rich is just not in the cards for
me I guess.  Anyways I have some very nice people on this list chip in
with information.  And, in one case, just send me a few parts for my
Vibroplex bug without any payment.

73 to all
Bob Groh, WA2CKY
Heathkit 1977 to 1981

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