HW-1-1 power update

Greg Hockenjos nunu726 at LYCOS.COM
Fri Dec 15 16:23:43 EST 2000

Hello. After checking all resistors and changing 5 badly out of tolerance ones I checked the power supply voltage and it stays steady under load and no load. One strange thing happens now, I might not of noticed it before, The 6146 closest to the rear of the radio glows very bright, twice as bright as any tube in the radio. The 6146 near the front of the radio barely glows at all, you have to turn off the lights in the room and put your face 2 inches from it to see a very faint, dim filament glow. I chaned both tubes with others and the same result. Now when you tune the radio from cold it starts at about 60 watts on 10 meters, before it was 40, well getting there slowly. That final thing can't be right, the one tube is almost white, thats how bright it gets. 73 Greg.

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