Unbuilt Heathkit SW-717 and Heath question

Wed Feb 23 16:28:24 EST 2000

>An HQ 180
> DID go for 532 bucks.  yep... more money than brains....

Interesting observation - last week an excellent SX-28 didn't
even get an opening bid at $100 and went unsold, while at the
very same time an SX-28 MANUAL went for $202 and I believe
there was a knob set for the 28 at around a C note.  GOOD GRIEF!

Now my Heath question to stay on topic:

A friend says he's acquired what he says is a 'DX-60 colored DX-20'
that he says was only made for a few months in the 60's.  I believe
he calls it an HX-16 or HX-18 - something like that.  He actually has it
at home, but didn't recall on the phone what the model is.

Has anyone heard of this?  A DX-20 with two-tone GREEN paint that
was sold in the 60's?  Any ideas?  Value?

Thanks all,


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