shipping advice[via LSMTP - see]

mike bryce prosolar at SSSNET.COM
Sun Jul 9 09:47:35 EDT 2000

oh my !

A short tail of woe ...

I had purchased a sb104a, the power supply and speaker along with two other
small items from a guy in Florida. No, not from EBAY! I paid $180 for the

I told the man that whatever the shipping would be I would pay for it.

He took the lot to a mail boxes etc store.

here's a snipnet from the email we exchanged..

"I am flabbergasted at the cost of shipping.  I had no idea!
The items were shipped in two packages and the breakdown of shipping
charges is as follows:
Freight charge (UPS):  $75.21
packing material  $72.73
packing cost      $17.50
Insurance ($700.00 value)  $7.00"

That's $170.44 to ship equipment I brought for $180

The weight of the gear was 93 pounds. From UPS's web site, from  his house
to my house would cost $53.72, and I figured about $70 to ship the gear.

so, they charge him (make that me!) $73 bucks for two cardboard boxes and
foam peanuts. Then another $18 for labor. And a $25 profit from the

Now,I don't mind if someone makes a good living and a nice profit from their
work, but really?

So, think really hard before you take that stuff ( or have the other guy
take the stuff ) to a third party packing store.

And yes, the goods did arrive in good shape even though it was NOT double
boxed. Good thing too. A second pair of boxes would have cost me another $73

Mike Bryce WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems
"Electricity at the speed of light"

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