Help - Zero Beat

Ed Richards k6uuz at JUNO.COM
Fri Mar 24 02:32:32 EST 2000

Actualy, there are 2 signals. The product detector puts out a signal too,
just as if you had the BFO on in an AM station. Try it. Good luck.
Ed Richards

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000 09:00:46 -0500 Bob Ahrens <alphasig at EARTHLINK.NET>
> Group,
>     Can someone please explain the idea of zero beating a receiver
> to a known signal?
>     I know what zero beat means when it refers to two audio
> signals... simply meaning that two signals are at exactly the same
> freq., eliminating the beating effect. However, I am trying to align
> an HW-101 and there are constant references to zero beating the
> receiver to either the calibration signal or a known frequency.
> Since there is only one signal, say the 3.7 MHz cal signal, how do I
> zero beat the receiver??
> Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
> 73
> Bob

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