RFI and GFI's

Murray Leshner multi-volti at SOFTHOUSE.COM
Sat Mar 25 02:39:06 EST 2000

I had a 40m inverted vee that terminated a few inches from the roof. One
night working cw dx on 40 (and, oh, I'm sure there was a piece of Heath gear
somewhere in the shack), I awoke my parents making their alarm clock radio
squawk. My father woke up came in & complained that I should go to bed, and
went to the bathroom. My mother did me a favor and unplugged the radio,
wrapped the cord around the radio and tossed it in their bedroom closet. Dad
went back to bed and I kept operating, but he came back in because the radio
was still squawking in the closet, and the incandescent lamp in the kitchen
was flickering (looked like a candle).

I gave up & went to bed.


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