RF Connector

Sandy ebjr at I-55.COM
Fri Apr 6 11:06:18 EDT 2001

Back quite a few years, I was called on to assist the "land mobile" department
of a firm I worked for when the were no shipboard jobs to be done.  A fellow
"ham" I knew well who worked there (he is now SK) used to work for RCA.
Our shop took over a fairly large fleet of 450 Mhz. FM radios, most of which
were RCA CMU-15's.  They were full of the RCA 'phono plug/socket' connectors
being used at 450 mhz!  EGAD, I thought!  Must be a really lousy connector at
that frequency!  I got hastily corrected and was told that RCA and others ran
some very exhaustive tests on these for VSWR and loss at these frequencies
and found them superior to all the "small" connectors available at the time.
This included BNC and UHF series.  Especially good are the ones with
the teflon insulators.  Even "stuffy" Motorola used them as interconnects
inside their solid state sets!  They are NOT "nice" looking connectors,
but very good at RF frequencies!

Sandy W5TVW

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