Antenna Question

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Thu Dec 13 11:41:11 EST 2001

I have had an original HyTower up for over 29 years.
Since it is a full sized vertical (and even has a
slight gain on 15 meters) it performs very well on 80
through 10.  However, I only use it on 80, 40, 30, and
17 (it loads fine on 30 and 17 even though it was not
designed for those bands).

Use on 160 meters with the loading coil is not good.
I finally put a quarter-wave of wire fed in parallel
with the HyTower for 160 meters and that works fine.

I don't have any experience with the particular model
of vertical that you mention.  However, I have used
other verticals and the HyTower outperforms them.
Also, I have used a full-sized 40 meter vertical fed
90 degrees out-of-phase with the HyTower for a 4.5 dB
gain on that band only.  But, I don't have that
arrangement up right now.  I do have single-band yagis
for 20 through 432 MHz except for 17 meters.

Several amateurs in the Dallas, Texas, area have used
combinations of two and four HyTowers phased on 80 and
40 meters and have had extremely good results with the
gain that is given by the combinations.  However,
since you are looking at only one, this you wouldn't
be able to do.

The total height of the HyTower is over 50 feet.  Due
to the construction it is shorter than most
quarter-wave verticals on 80 meters.  But, this is due
to the method of making the 80 meter section.  I does
perform as a full sized vertical.

Anyway, you asked for opinions!

Glen, K9STH

--- "Peter J. Havens" <pjhavens at CYBERTRAILS.COM>

Have any of you ever had the Hy-Tower? How does it
perform, say compared to an R-7000

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