Sniping and heathkit prices on ebay

John Wb5Oau johnmb at MINDSPRING.COM
Fri May 18 13:25:51 EDT 2001

wn2sqc at JUNO.COM wrote:
>  This would somewhat level the playing field for all concerned >except for the well heeled who would still win by bidding an >outrageous bid in the last minute.

 The "well heeled" will ALWAYS win by bidding more at the end
of the auction... of ANY auction, in person, on the web, etc.
The winner of any auction is likely to be viewed as "well heeled"
by the 2nd place finisher of ANY auction... :-)

>  So as with most things in life, money talks.

 Given that the premise of an auction is that the person who
offers the most money for an item, wins that item, this is a
correct statement!

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