FYI: [Heathkit] UNBUILT Heathkit H89 Computer Kit & Software! eBay Item # 1326964195 {01}

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 30 23:47:22 EST 2002

Forwarded (I wonder what this will top out at!):

Here is an UNBUILT Heathkit H89 computer with a great assortment of original
software! The kit has been in my possession in unopened boxes (except as
noted below) since it was delivered about 20 years ago. This is one of two
such kits I purchased, intending to use one at work. However... This kit is
Heath's All-In-One computer, housing a single 5.25" floppy drive and Z80
processor within the monitor enclosure. Power up, boot up, and explore the
following list of INCLUDED software!

HDOS operating system (two versions)
MBASIC for HDOS (two versions)
Softstuff General Ledger
Micro Architect A/R program
HUG Stock program
HUG Inventory program
Tidewater Software Utility Package
Spool-and-Go Printer Spooler
Viking Software's Crash 80
Viking Software Overhaul Disk
Viking Software MBASIC Sort routines
Viking Software disk copier
SoftShop H25 printer driver
SoftShop Super Sysmod
Keyboard Studio UDUMP
Keyboard Studio PROBE
400K driver software
All software is for HDOS and is on original 5.25" hard-sectored disks.

Four 3-ring binders are included: HDOS, MBASIC, Cassette system software,
and a Heath User's Group package. Whatever additional hard-copy
documentation I have for the software listed is included as well. In
addition, I'm including a cassette interface board with instruction sheet
(not needed to operate computer but an interesting Heathkit antique). Also
included is an instruction sheet for a 16k memory expansion board (board NOT

The original shipment contained 4 boxes. The CRT box and a small parts box
remain unopened to this day. Years ago I "borrowed" the single floppy disk
drive to expand my other system; however, you get TWO such drives (used)
with this auction. The main kit box remained unopened until just recently,
when I noticed that a mouse had gained entry thru a loose flap. I have
cleaned out this parcel and scrubbed all washable parts. The primary
electronics package remains intact and factory sealed; two boxes containing
circuit boards were not invaded and the contents remain clean. The manuals
have some cosmetic damage and/or stains and light odor; several diagram
sheets have a 3 to 4" hole in them, but this is a complete and buildable
kit. It is possible that neither floppy drive operates correctly.

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