Anyone else getting these? Fw: Returned mail: User unknown

W Dean Milner wdmilner at NS.SYMPATICO.CA
Wed May 29 13:27:23 EDT 2002

At 28/05/02 Tuesday 08:09 PM -0600, Brian Wood <brianmwood at EMAIL.MSN.COM>
>I too got a whole bunch of emails "returned" to me that I never sent. All
>were from sex sites, so I know it had nothing to do with this list. I
>installed Norton Internet Security (especially necessary since I have
>"always on" broadband) and immediately started seeing alerts about Trojan
>Horses and other programs that attempt to hack into your computer. Here's a
>typical message:

Many people have been receiving these over the last couple of months,
including myself, from systems totally clean of viruses. It would appear to
possibly be a carefully developed way to get spam mail past blocking
software and filters (including the one in our heads that says not to open
strange mail). Few people will NOT open a message from a Postmaster account
marked "returned as undeliverable".

The SPAM ware just took another twist folks.

73, Dean

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