Heathkit Green

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Fri May 23 11:19:05 EDT 2003

To add to the confusion, I have at least 5 different
colors on SB-Line cabinets ranging from almost a lime
green to gray.

Heath, I think, was like Atwater Kent back in the
1920s.  He used whatever paint was in the gun on
whatever came down the production line.  Thus you had
numerous finishes on the metal boxes used by AK.
These ranged from black gloss smooth to brown crinkle
to whatever!  The trim ranged from red to green to

Heath did not seem to standardize on the paint on the
SB-Line.  The older Apache, Mohawk, etc., had much
better coordination in the paint jobs.

Glen, K9STH

--- Fred Wittman <wittfa19 at EARTHLINK.NET> wrote:

My SB-301's front panel is a different shade of green
from the front panel of my SB-310, and the SB-610 is a
different shade from both of them.  Next to the
SB-310, the 301 looks almost olive, and the 610 seems
somewhere in between.  Didn't Heathkit standardize
their front panel colors, or did they go through
"model changes" over the years (in which case, could
this be an accurate way to tell an item's age)?
Thanks in advance.  Fred - KG6NYK

Glen, K9STH

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