SB 200

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Fri Feb 20 21:27:32 EST 2004

First of all, check the meter shunts.  They often go
high in value which would also increase the meter
reading (since more current will go through the meter
instead of through the shunt).

This happens in many other tube type rigs as well
including the SB series tube type transmitters.

Glen, K9STH

--- Walter <wsmk at PTD.NET> wrote:

According to the manual, the grid current reading
should be in the white range of the meter.  When I
tune up on 20m, I turn down the drive of the exciter
to keep in the grid range and the amp puts out about
450watts. When I try to do the same on 80m, I have to
turn the drive down to about 30w into the amp to keep
the grid reading in the white range which only
produces about 100w out from the amp.

Glen, K9STH

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