Heathkit Prices

DJ Peterson DJ.Peterson at FAIRCHILDSEMI.COM
Wed Jan 21 10:27:48 EST 2004

If you look at the first line at the top of the page, the Heathkit
"Bluebook" shows it was updated on January 5th, 2004.  If you have an older
date, then you need to use the "refresh page" on your browser.  Remember
that your computer will keep an image of any web page on the local hard
drive for quicker access to some information.  Sometimes, the browser will
always use the stored page rather than try to access a new one from the web

The Heathkit "Bluebook" is updated often and represents fairly accurate
prices.  Any identified "virgin" kits have been removed so the prices are
not inflated.  If you were to track the average price of any particular
item over time, you would see the price increasing and decreasing with both
seasonal factors as well as economic ones.

The web page is at:



Well the "Boneyard Bluebook" is even older!
If you follow the sales of Heathkits and other B/A's on eBay like I do,
you will have noticed that the prices have been down for the past few
months, maybe even a year, so I feel the prices are still accurate
enough.  After all it gives you a high, a low, and an average.  Remember,
it doesn't say the condition of each piece, and some are definitely junk,
it only gives you a model number and a price.   Kinda like the fact that
the person who graduates in the last place of their class from medical
school is still a "Doctor".  Hi, Hi!
The value of anything is up to the person who wants it the most and what
they are willing to pay.  Or what you must have before you are willing to
part with it.
73 de Jerry, KØEJF

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