Frequency Counter IB-1100 Rebuild

Alex [Temple-Heath List] temple.heath at MIWWW.COM
Sun Mar 5 12:48:00 EST 2006

At 03:10 AM 3/5/2006, you wrote:
>One thing the previous owner had done, was to modify
>the circuit: there was a switch added at the back, and
>a small sub board installed. The switch is labelled
>"Prescaler on-Prescaler off" I have no idea what this
>did, or why it was added to the circuit. Can anyone
>tell me, and would it be in my best interest to keep
>this modification?

Hi Scott,

Your frequency counter has a 30MHz measuring range. A prescaler would 
allow the instrument to measure higher frequencies by dividing the 
signal prior to inputting into the counter. If the prescaler has, for 
example, a 10:1 division ratio, then presumably you would be able to 
measure input signals of up to 300MHz with your 30MHz counter. If it 
where just 2:1, then you would extend the frequency coverage to 
60MHz. There are probably one or more ICs on this additional 
prescaler board. By looking up the part numbers on them would allow 
you to estimate the division ratio of this particular prescaler. Most 
common ratios where 10:1, but this may vary according to the 
prescaler design. Hope that helps.

Good luck with the restoration. BTW, this particular counter uses 
those "Nixie" display tubes that look so nice.


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