Mostek MK5017 clock chip for SB-634

Alan 'A.J.' Franzman a.j.franzman at VERIZON.NET
Wed May 24 17:48:32 EDT 2006

---- Original Message ----
> Date:    Mon, 22 May 2006 13:36:18 -0400
> From:    "TChesek at Epix.Net" <tchesek at EPIX.NET>
> Subject: Mostek MK5017 clock chip for SB-634
> Does anyone have a Mostek MK5017 (Heath part# 443-687) clock chip that =
> they want to part with? I need one for my SB-634.
> 73,
> Tom K3TVC

Which MK5017 IC, exactly, does the SB-634 need?  The MK5017 is actually
several different clock chips which have different suffixes that are
significant, determined by the specific function set of the chip.  For
example, MK5017AA has an alarm tone output, MK5017AN has clock radio functions
(alarm and sleep timer switched outputs), MK5017BA has a calendar, etc.  There
may also be a "P" somewhere in the suffix if it's a ceramic-packaged chip.  I
believe I have an untested MK5017BA somewhere, if I can find it.


Alan "A.J." Franzman

Email: a.j.franzman [ A T ]  verizon [ D O T ] net


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