ER article on itty bitty crystals found.

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at VERIZON.NET
Thu Mar 1 17:55:48 EST 2007

OK. The article in question is entitled:

"Using Modern Crystals in Pierce Oscillators." by G3UUR
and was printed in ER #192.

Ray Osterwald N0DMS makes copies of practically every back issue 
ER ever printed available for $3.85 each, he accepts checks and ships 
out immediately.

The address for ER is:

Electric Radio Magazine
P.O. Box 242
Bailey, CO 80421-0242

and their website is

I might add that I have been a subscriber to ER for several years now. 
Every issue has something of value in it, and I generally read it from 
cover to cover, including the ads. It is my favorite magazine.

There have been quite a number of articles on Heathkit gear by other 
authors, and Ray himself is a very knowledgeable and technically 
competent restorer and experimenter.

His own articles on various Hallicrafters and Collins gear, including the 
R-390, are real keepers.

He has a "stable" of excellent writers who send him articles regularly.

One very recent article concerned a really fantastic AGC circuit for the 
R-390 that would be applicable to many other receivers such as the 
RX-1, and maybe even the SB-301.

ER also published a several part article on the restoration and 
modification of the Heathkit Mohawk RX-1 receiver. The mods went a 
long ways towards overcoming the RX-1's deficiencies and, IMHO, is 
must reading for anyone contemplating using one.

I myself have written an article on the Heathkit C-3 that Ray published, 
and I have a couple of articles on other subjects planned.

Technically speaking, ER is a lot like QST used to be.

Ken Gordon W7EKB

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