Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Sat Mar 10 09:08:35 EST 2007

The Collins S-Line is the only popular "retro"
equipment that can be used on the WARC bands plus 60
meters without any modifications at all.  When the
S-Line came out Collins originally said that it should
not be used in the 5 MHz to 6.5 MHz band.  However,
they later issued a service bulletin which outlines
which very small frequency ranges in the 5 MHz to 6.5
MHz range that should be avoided.  Fortunately, the 60
meter frequencies are not in any of the frequency
ranges to be avoided.

The Drake 4-Line can be used on the WARC bands but
cannot be used on the 60 meter band because the VFO
range is 5.0 MHz to 5.5 MHz.

Certain Hallicrafters units can also be used easily on
the WARC bands.  But, like the Drake the VFO is in the
5 MHz range and the equipment cannot be used on 60

The above mentioned equipment all has additional
crystal sockets provided so that additional bands can
be added.  Also, a number of the Japanese transceivers
and the transmitter/receiver "splits" also have
additional crystal positions available.

Unfortunately, equipment like the Heath SB-Line does
not have additional crystal sockets that allow
additional bands to be added.  You can replace certain
existing crystals to get a couple of the WARC bands
but you lose the ability to cover the "normal" band
for which the crystal was originally put in the unit.

Glen, K9STH


I look forward and prefure to buy a old line with a
separeted receiver and transmitter. But I need the use
of the WARC bands on it ! Does someone can give my
some buying advise ? I find a fully Collins line very
beautiful. But maby are there others old timers
usefull witch I doesn't the existance from. I look
forward to find something usefull.

Glen, K9STH


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