Reduced: 40m and 6m Crystals

Radios R. Me radios_r_me at YAHOO.COM
Sat Mar 21 07:23:38 EDT 2009

FOR SALE: FT-243 crystals for the ham bands... CQ CQ CQ...
(temporary reduced prices) - these are normally $12.00 each.

40m is about to open up a whole new adventure with the high power
broadcasters moving out by the end of March. To celebrate, here
are some deals on crystals. (I have many others available)

Some of these are on already-popular AM spots - others encourage
exploration and of course you can operate AM and CW anywhere 
that they are allowed.

40m - 10m bands:

7000 kHz - $4.00 each
7025 kHz - $10.00 each
7075 kHz - $8.00 each
7100 kHz - $5.00 each
7106.7 kHz - $6.00 each
7122 kHz - $9.00 each
7123 kHz - $9.00 each
7125 kHz - $5.00 each
7135 kHz - $5.00 each
7136.25 kHz - $4.00 each
7140 kHz - $8.00 each
7143 kHz - $11.00 each (20m AM)
7146 kHz - $9.00 each
7150 kHz - $9.00 each
7152 kHz - $5.00 each
7155 kHz - $5.00 each
7156.25 kHz - $5.00 each
7159 kHz - $9.00 each
7161 kHz - $9.00 each
7162 kHz - $9.00 each 
7165 kHz - $5.00 each
7170 kHz - $5.00 each
7172 kHz - $4.00 each
7173.3 kHz - $4.00 each
7174 kHz - $5.00 each
7175 kHz - $5.00 each
7176 kHz - $4.00 each
7177 kHz - $4.00 each
7179 kHz - $4.00 each
7180 kHz - $5.00 each
7185 kHz - $6.00 each
7187 kHz - $6.00 each
7188 kHz - $6.00 each
7190 kHz - $9.00 each
7195 kHz - $9.00 each
7200 kHz - $4.00 each
7205 kHz - $4.00 each
7225 kHz - $4.00 each
7250 kHz - $9.00 each
7275 kHz - $9.00 each
7300 kHz - $4.00 each

6m band:

8350 = 50.100 MHz - $5.00 each
8375 kHz = 50.250 MHz - $4.00 each
8400 kHz = 50.4 MHz - $12.00 each
8425 kHz = 50.55 MHz - $4.00 each
8450 kHz = 50.7 MHz - $4.00 each
8475 kHz = 50.85 MHz - $4.00 each

Many other frequencies available. See web site below.

Prices are good while they last, and through March 30th only.
Shipping additional.

73 - Bry, AF4K
Please use my main e-mail address:
af4k at

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parties involved.  This list and the City of Tempe are not responsible
for losses or misrepresentations of any kind.  Buyer beware!

This list is a public service of the City of Tempe, Arizona

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