[Heath] HW-101 VFO questions.

ChrisIwata chrisiwata at aol.com
Sat Apr 14 02:37:39 EDT 2018

Many years have past, but I seem to recall it had the smell and 
consistency of Duco cement.  guess my HW101 was a late one.

There is no reason Epoxy can't be used, or any stiff hobby glue (eg, 
glue gun).  They are all non-conductive.

You are going through great efforts to restore to original.  By the time 
I sold my HW101 it was 50% solid state, that's how many mods it had 
seen.  Double-balanced mixer, RIT/XIT, improved AGC, audio MIC speech 
processor/clipper, 150Hz CW audio filter, CW Keyer, 3W audio PA, etc.  
It made WAS and 97 countries for DXCC using only a trap vertical.

Chris, KL7DM

On 4/13/2018 3:05 PM, Kenneth G. Gordon wrote:
> I have been working on a couple of HW-101 VFOs, and have both of them 
> out of the rig and repaired.
> As I was about to reinstall one, I find from the manual that one of 
> the large capacitors in it is supposed to be glued to the side of the 
> box. Obviously, this is to limit frequency changes when the rig is 
> "molested", like being bounced around in a car when operating mobile.
> So, does anyone know what kind of glue was originally sent with the kit?
> Obviously, gluing that cap to the side was a later addition to the 
> construction manual, since neither of these has ever been glued.
> Suggestions?
> Ken W7EKB
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