[j-nsp] Juniper as a route-server

Guy Davies Guy.Davies@telindus.co.uk
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 17:00:53 -0000

Hi Richard,

Answers inline...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard A Steenbergen [mailto:ras@e-gerbil.net]
> Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 4:14 PM
> To: juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net
> Subject: [j-nsp] Juniper as a route-server
> I'm not sure if anyone has tried to do this, but I would like 
> to use a 
> Juniper as a route-server. Unfortunately, I'm hitting a few snags, so 
> perhaps someone else has more experience trying to do this.

This is kind of using the Juniper as a server rather than a router.  That's
not really what it was designed for.  It certainly doesn't do BGP the way
Route servers do (e.g. hiding its AS, setting next-hop to someone else,
creating views of the routing table based on routing policy).  Route servers
are a somewhat specialised function which isn't really appropriate for a

> First problem, is there any way to make a telnet connection 
> log directly
> into the box without having to enter an account? A suppose a 
> "guest/guest"  
> system could work (since I can't seem to find a way to have an account
> with no password either), but I'd REALLY prefer not.

How can I put this?  No, no, no, no, no!  There is no way to log into the
box without an account and this is, without any doubt, a *very* good thing.
Even if you have an account, if it has no password, then you can't get in
(unless you've configured an SSH key in which case, the relevant user can
login with no prompt using ssh).  If you're using a script, then you just
need to make sure that you force the script to use the required user in SSH.

> Second problem, even if you could make a telnet connection go 
> directly 
> into a guest account, how would you get administrative access 
> to the box 
> with no "enable"?

There's no concept of "enable" in JUNOS.  An account either has
administrative privileges, or it doesn't.  It's a feature of each account
based on the class.  If you create an account with class superuser and
configure it so that it uses a SSH public key for authentication, then
you'll get in to the box, with no password prompt and have full access to
everything (assuming you have access to the relevant SSH private key ;-) 

> And a third problem, I'm trying to restrict unnecessary commands for 
> security reasons, using the following config:
>         class guest {
>             idle-timeout 5;
>             permissions view;
>             allow-commands "(show route.*|show bgp 
> summary|set cli.*|ping|traceroute|quit)";
>             deny-commands .*;
>         }
> Unfortunately, the "quit" part doesn't want to work. I've 
> tried "quit.*" 
> and a few other variants, but quit never shows up as an 
> available command 
> like it should (5.5R2.3). Any ideas?

I suspect that quit or exit are default commands that cannot be turned on or
off.  Since you're kind of screwed if you can logon but can't disconnect or
can go down the config tree but can't get back up it to the root ;-)



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