[j-nsp] boolean math for communities

Pedro Roque Marques roque at juniper.net
Tue Dec 9 01:40:56 EST 2003

pr at isprime.com (Phil Rosenthal) writes:

>      Policy error: !community_a community referenced (in term 
> not_communitya) but not defined
> I've also had problems with commuity_a && comunity_b,  is this 
> functionality not implemented?
> Has anyone figured out a way to match a term based on two (or more) 
> communities all existing, or a community not existing?

policy-options {
    community not_a {
	members x:y;
	invert-match;	<====
    community a_and_b members [x:y a:b];

roque at pro-olive34# set policy-options community not_a ?
Possible completions:
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don't inherit configuration data from these
  invert-match         Invert the result of the community expression
+ members              Community members

>Number:         27639
>Synopsis:       add invert-match statement for community regular expressions
>Committed-In:   5.6R1


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