[j-nsp] Hub and Spoke VPN

Adam Szymajda aszymajd at wp.pl
Fri Nov 14 03:46:22 EST 2003

Let's say we have the following scenario:
     _______         _______
S----|     |         |     |
S----|     |         |     |
S----|     |         |     |-------Hub
S----| PE1 |---------| PE2 |
S----|     |         |     |
S----|_____|         |_____|

S - spoke sites connected via different [sub]interfaces to the 
same vrf.

The main goal is to force the spokes to communicate only via hub.
Putting all spoke subinterfaces into single vrf is the simplest 
solution to maintain and most preffered, however you have to set 
static routes in this vrf to reach a particular spoke site. This 
will cause that it is possible to reach spoke site 1 from spoke 
site 2 omitting the hub site. (traffic will be routed within PE1 
even if hub will export default route pointing it)
There can be more PE's with spokes connected to it. Is there any 
way to achieve it without complicating things, like separate VRF 
for each site?

Best regards,

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