[j-nsp] Cisco to Juniper STM1 config

Mark Johnson juniper-nsp at avensys.net
Tue Jul 20 11:38:34 EDT 2004


I am trying to get a Cisco 7200 PA-OC3-SMI talking to a Juniper PE-4OC3-SMI card without much luck. This is currently back to back
as a test but will have a telco provided SDH STM-1 circuit soon. I can get two Cisco's to talk directly no problem.

This is a simple point to point circuit. Could someone provide sample config for these as a back to back and also for when there is
a real circuit?

(I'm new to Junipers and only have an old M5 to play with. Our new M7i's are due in a week or two)

Kind regards,


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