[j-nsp] 'Best Practice' for lo0?

Michael Loftis mloftis at wgops.com
Thu Apr 14 11:51:33 EDT 2005

I was wondering what everyone feelings for best practice on lo0 are?  in 
order to maintain some consistency i use set system default-address,a ssign 
an address to lo0 and then flood the /32 via OSPF.  The loopback address 
itself comes from a chunk of 'unrouted' addresses set aside for just this 
purpose.  There's no associated subnet for it, it's just a chunk of 
addresses from which I pull /32's for the loopbacks of various network 

I never actually stopped to think about it until now, but...what does 
everyone else do for this?  We do have OOB mgmnt as well (fxp0 on the M7i's 
and a Serial Console Server) but for establishing multihop sessions, for 
the router to ping things, etc. we let it use the lo0...  because otherwise 
the 'router' could be from any of .... well a LOT of addresses depending on 
which interface.

GPG/PGP --> 0xE736BD7E 5144 6A2D 977A 6651 DFBE 1462 E351 88B9 E736 BD7E 

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