[j-nsp] M7i Flash

Steinar Torsvik steinar at fasthost.no
Tue Jul 19 06:03:23 EDT 2005


info at beprojects.com wrote:
 > Does anybody have experience with 3rd party Compact Flash (and adapter)
 > on the M7i?  And part #'s?  Are there any gotcha's?

According to a Juniper technican i spoke to at CeBIT all SanDisk CF 
cards will be accepted by the router. He still advised us to buy the CF 
cards with the Juniper sticker to be guaranteed a CF card with 
sufficient speed.

I have personaly tried using TwinMOS CF cards and they are not accepted 
in M20 or M7i - a guess here would be that the same applies for the rest 
of the M series. It does not show up in boot and is not possible to 
mount. Looks like there is some kind of software control to stop the 
users using third-part CF.

We use the original and expensive Juniper CF cards in our M7i router and 
have a third-part CF card for boot-media in case of an emergency. We do 
this because the difference in price between third-part CF cards and the 
   one with Juniper sticker is so small that risking some kind of 
problem with this is not worth it.

Regarding the adapter i belive the adapter is the same as you buy for 5$ 
in any decent computer store. Please correct me on this.


Steinar Torsvik
Fasthost AS
Tlf: +47 22 00 88 50
Mob: +47 99 02 99 88

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