[j-nsp] Routing stopped due to failed hard disk?

Blaz Zupan blaz at inlimbo.org
Sat May 7 03:51:29 EDT 2005

> First off, you may want to get console on the box and check the logs to
> figure out what actually happened. Assuming the HD died and really did
> take down the system, you should be able to boot the device into single
> user mode (boot -s at the boot loader, just like you would do to recover
> passwords) and remove the mirror-flash-on-disk command.

There are no logs - the device on which the logs were located is dead (the 
hard disk). After a reboot the box came back, but the hard disk does not 
appear in "show system boot-messages" - only ad0 (the flash) is recognized, 
ad1 is nowhere to be seen. The mirror-flash-on-disk has been removed and the 
whole RE will be replaced (hopefully soon). I have also removed 
mirror-flash-on-disk from all other Juniper boxes, seems like it is a really 
bad idea.

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