[j-nsp] route-filter ... longer: not working?

Daniel Roesen dr at cluenet.de
Thu May 19 10:03:45 EDT 2005


ok, I give up. Why is the route 2002::/16 being rejected by this

policy-statement ipv6-ebgp-filter {
    from {
        family inet6;
        route-filter ::/8 orlonger;
        route-filter 2001:db8::/32 orlonger;
        route-filter 2001:5001:103::/48 orlonger;
        route-filter 2002::/16 longer;
        route-filter fe00::/9 orlonger;
        route-filter ff00::/8 orlonger;
        route-filter 0::/0 upto /48 next policy;
    then {

In my book, it should pass and only more-specifics in 2002::/16 should
be rejected. I heard that prefix-length-range /17-/128 exhibits the
same problem.

Best regards,

CLUE-RIPE -- Jabber: dr at cluenet.de -- dr at IRCnet -- PGP: 0xA85C8AA0

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