[j-nsp] Junoscript -> Netconf

Richard A Steenbergen ras at e-gerbil.net
Mon Dec 11 06:11:24 EST 2006

Is there a replacement for the old junoscript load_configuration function 
in netconf? You know, the one where you just transmit a new piece of 
regular ascii text representing a portion of the config in regular JUNOS 
config format and it applies it as though you had done a "load" in the 
CLI? I see a copy-config which accepts a url (and documentation which is 
rather unclear about whether it can support a merge and not a complete 
configuration replace), and I see an edit-config which lets you pass 
incremental updates of a config in-band but only in XML format, but I 
don't see a way to pass regular old-fashioned JUNOS config in-band.

Either I'm missing something really obvious, or else it seems like we've 
managed to lose some very basic functionality by moving from junoscript to 
netconf. JunoScript APIs don't seem to have been published since 7.4 
either, it looks like everything is moving towards Netconf... Does anyone 
have any idea how long the Junoscript API will stay around?

Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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