[j-nsp] mpls managemnet/provisioning software

Adnan ahabib at asacogroup.com
Fri Jun 30 09:17:06 EDT 2006

Well  my problem is that  my client there vpn tunnels drop after 3 or 4 min
I  know I can monitor from juniper appliance but  I  am looking for some
software so it can  show me end to end connectivity detail !! else I can
sniffer the packet to see detail inside !! 

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Martin [mailto:dmartin6 at us.ibm.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 4:05 PM
To: Adnan 
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] mpls managemnet/provisioning software


there are a whole bunch of parts to this problem.

first, you need to know if the ce to pe connection is up.  juniper has a
ping mib and there is also rpm, so without having to create a management
vpn and expose your customers to one another's ability to compromise your
management server, you can at least verify reachability.

now, you need to know that the LSPs are up.    this seems like a problem
but you don't monitor ip flows and the difference between regular ip and
mpls is that instead of forwarding based on an ip address you are
forwarding based on a label, which, by the way, is 32 bits long, just like
an ip address.  the nagging doubt with mpls is that your vpns require 3 or
4 link state protocols to be up and running and happy in order for a packet
to go from one vrf to another, at least a few more than regular ip.   if
you really want to scare yourself you can read the ietf draft that mentions
LSP blackholes and cautions that a label mismerge in combination with
overlapping address space may result in your ping being responded to by
some other device with that ip address, not necessarily the one you

if you picked non TE LSPS,  when  a non TE LSP goes down or reroutes it
will never tell you.  so you can go back to the ping mib / rpm stuff and
set up pings from vrf to vrf, if the ping gets through, you should be ok
(see above), if it doesn't, you know that something in between the to vrf
instances is broken.

if you have any questions or disagree with anything let me know, i hope
this helped.

             "Adnan "                                                      
             <ahabib at asacogrou                                             
             p.com>                                                     To 
             Sent by:                  "'Matias Lambert \(Osinet\)'"       
             juniper-nsp-bounc         <matiaslambert at osinet.com.ar>,      
             es at puck.nether.ne         "'Erdem Sener'" <erdems at gmail.com>  
             t                                                          cc 
                                       juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net         
             06/30/2006 08:44          Re: [j-nsp] mpls                    
             AM                        managemnet/provisioning software    

Does some one know some good software to monitor VPN TUNNELS connectivity
detail ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Matias Lambert (Osinet) [mailto:matiaslambert at osinet.com.ar]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 2:53 AM
To: Erdem Sener
Cc: juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] mpls managemnet/provisioning software


Osinet (The company that I work for) make end-to-end provisioning
solutions with Juniper M and T series for a lot of environments like
MPLS/VPN, RSVP Managment and GPRS/APNs with J20 (Juniper-Ericsson GGSN

If you are interested, send me an email and I will send you a sales
account manager.

For a managment based solutions, I think that you should try netcool.


Matias Lambert
*Osinet Telecomunicaciones*
http://www.osinet.com.ar <http://www.osinet.com.ar/>

Erdem Sener wrote:

> Of course Dorado's not the only player but it's afaik the most
>preferred one due to several reasons, mainly being very close with
>Juniper folks.
> Sheer was a close competitor for Dorado, though it seem to have lost
>its popularity after being bought by Cisco.
> Other common monitoring software like HP or CA don't fully support
>management, only monitoring.
> In my opinion, it depends on what you expect from the software you're
>looking for. If your goal is only to make easy for network folks to do
>the configuration on many routers, JunOScript might do the trick. In
>case you're looking for a single point of management/monitoring etc,
>Dorado seems the best solution available.
>On 6/29/06, snort bsd <snortbsd at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>>Thanks. But is "Dorado" the only game in town? Any
>>other vendors?
>>--- Ezequiel Carson <ezequiel at ifxnw.com.ar> wrote:
>>>      Try ElDorado software
>>>On Jun 27, 2006, at 2:02 PM, snort bsd wrote:
>>>>Does Juniper have mpls management/provisionin
>>>>similar to Cisco IP Solution Center?
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