[j-nsp] Does ERX310 support max flow per dial-in just like what Radius's Se ssion-Timeout Attribute does

吴海峰 hfwu at seu.edu.cn
Wed Apr 4 21:45:04 EDT 2007

Hello everybody,
		We use ERX 310 to provide lan service. Before now, we use time-based accounting policy and use FreeRadius to act as a AAA server. When users dial in successfully, freeradius reply the ERX with Session-Timeout Attribute(Another deamon is calculating how many seconds are left for the user). When the time is out, the user lost connection.
    	Now we decide to change to flow-based accounting policy. I want to konw whether ERX310 support Session-FlowOut Attribute(The name "Session-Flowout" is not incorrect. It's faked by me. I searched the radius's RFC but find no such attribute.) or other Attributes that can have the same effect. When there is no flow left, the user will also lost his connection just as Session-Timeout does.
    	Our's ERX310'parameter is: Version: 8.0.0 release-0.0 [BuildId 6549].
    	I have searched the juniper-nsp mail lists and Google but have no good luck.
    	Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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